Bob, I’m sitting with my cuppa this morning trying to figure out WTF the Iowa caucus means. And by chance I stumbled upon an old quote of yours:

“We are surprisingly ignorant of why we do what we do. Our explanations are sometimes wholly fabricated, and almost certainly never complete. But that’s not how it feels. Instead, it feels like we know exactly why we do what we do. This is confabulation: A mostly self-delusion whereby we guess at plausible explanations for our choices and then regard those guesses as introspective certainties. Bottom Line: Much of what we think of as “self-knowledge” is ongoing self-interpretation. Our on-the-fly adjustments can be so quick and so facile that we don’t recognize a change as change.”

Bob Seawright

I sure hope that your words explain the ridiculousness of the Iowa cohort and bode well that our national thought process will change for the better.

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A splendid and timely write up.

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What a long worthy reading in a long time..thanks for writing.

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Thanks Bob. I really enjoyed reading about all the slices of humble pie you’re handing out, and I hope readers will take your advice to not listen to anyone’s forecasts. As Taleb says, don’t be fooled by randomness. Instead, try to become antifragile. When are you gonna write a book??

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