The presumption of racist guilt in this article is what loses me. Insidious, because it allows all sorts of actual discrimination to be considered somehow righteous.

We need to get to a point where color of skin, gender, even sexual preferences are not an issue.

Where the focus is on human beings, children, society and yes culture.

Somehow, the Progressives, the hard left wing of the Democratic Party that I am led to presume this author is a charter member of, think that outright government discrimination in favor of one group or another ( the favored identity group of the year) and against another ( almost always white males) is a good thing.

How is this kind of thinking even possible ?

At what point did 25-30 year old ( or any age group) white males have anything to do with past aggressions to minorities?

So why punish them?

I think the presumption of guilt, that there is this hidden racism in all Whites is a canard, maliciously designed to allow government sanctioned actual discrimination against the predominant racial category in America.

I recognize that I am off topic , that the point of this article is that NFL coaches should be a high % of Blacks, presumably because the players are mostly Black?

I am concerned that the author, and so many Progressive Journalists, so casually throw out that there is this embedded racism in America and the only way to fix it is to perform actual discrimination.

I disagree, I think it is irrefutable that in 2022 there is the least racism in this country than ever before in its history.

And performing actual discrimination in order to fix is destroying people

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There is much to refute here.

1. I am neither a progressive nor a journalist, as even a bit of reading here makes obvious.

2. I agree that, in terms of racism, things are a lot better today than they were, say, when I was a kid in the 1960s.

3. I oppose "government discrimination."

4. We *all* suffer from hidden racism -- hidden tribalism, not always hidden. Did you notice the study linked above finding that white referees called fewer fouls on white players and Black referees called fewer fouls on Black players?

5. My point is that, without effort and vigilance, we will miss opportunities to improve our teams and businesses with greater diversity by sticking with the sale 'ol, same 'ol.

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Thanks for writing Bob. Appreciate your thoughts. I think I jumped to conclusion

Apologies for #1

I disagree with #4, I think that narrative has been used to implement “diversity “ goals, the new word for “quotas”.

Have you looked at Biden’s cabinet? Almost everyone has been chosen based on color of skin, gender, sexual preference, transgender. That’s why it’s so incompetent

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This author is an indoctrinated liberal. I called him on it a few times, in turn, he removed me from his list. His missives, for the most part, are tabloid CNN politics where seldom does he provide a constructive perspective.

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Hover your curser over your name, Pete. Your Substack subscriptions pop up, including TBL. If I somehow had "removed [you] from [my] list" (which I didn't), how and why are you commenting?

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It's not rocket science. You can go to your website to read your far-left missive. Why are most failed lawyers opiniated and indoctrinated liberals ? Let me guess, your stock portfolio doesn't hold any energy stocks ?

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Your "opiniated [sic] and indoctrinated liberal" claim is laugh-out-loud funny, Pete. I voted for Ford, Reagan (twice), GHW Bush (twice), Dole, Dubya (twice), McCain, and Romney. But, sure, think what you want.

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Thanks for confirming you voted for Hillary and Biden. Enjoy your solar panels, which are made out of coal in China, then shipped by a diesel engine ship.

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I didn't, Pete. You need to read more carefully. I simply couldn't vote for Trump. I don't see how a real conservative, or any voter who thinks character in leadership matters, could.

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Bob, great writing here, per usual. If you haven't already read it, I recommend “Caste, The Origin of Our Discontents,” by Isabel Wilkerson. — JoelynD


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Thank you for the kind words, Jo. I read Ms. Wilkerson's book and was unconvinced by her central thesis. She didn't persuade me that "caste" is a better framing device than race or even how it would make a difference.

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I believe it is more of "tribal," than caste, true, but how acceptable lynching was (postcards home!!), her own experiences of discrimination on airplanes and in restaurants made me far more aware of my "privileged whiteness." Yet more shocking to me was her descriptions about Germans scholars coming here expressly to study how Americans treated Blacks (especially in the deep South) in order to create the Nazi protocols and systematic erasure of the Jews.

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