This is why I avoid macroeconomics altogether & regard forecasting as folly. 😉

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Bob. Your newsletter gets more compelling very week. Thanks! You gave us a nice introduction to the super important concept of Second Order thinking, but I sure hope this week’s newsletter isn't all you’ll write about the topic. I’m a big fan of Charlie Munger - with skin in the game, as I own one share of brk.a - and his quote that “It is in the nature of things that many hard problems are best solved when they are addressed backward” is to me the essence of second order thinking. That, and “Avoiding stupidity is easier than seeking brilliance”. Please devote another week of your newsletter to Second Order thinking. Adios. Brett

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Thanks for reading.

Re Munger's "Invert, always, invert," try here: https://betterletter.substack.com/p/the-better-letter-always-invert

Re not being stupid, try here: https://betterletter.substack.com/p/dont-be-stupid

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Aha! I should’ve known you’d be on top of this Bob. Thanks awfully, as the Brits say, for the BetterLetter!!

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Hello Bob. Hope you’re in good health & spirits. We’ve not heard from you in awhile. You are missed! Adios. Brett

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